Thursday, January 14, 2010

My first blog....

This blog should have hit the web yesterday, but unfortunately my home internet issues won’t be resolved until Monday so I am left at the mercy of the ever growing AT&T wifi hot spots for now.   That being said I am super excited about having my own blog, at least for now, we will have to wait and see how long that excitement last.  I will be keeping this blog in accordance to the requirements of my English 658 class as well as to in some small way document the happenings of this year because 2010, the year of my MA program, will be amazing. 

So an explanation of the only element the will be consistent from post to post.  I have long realized that it is impossible and undesirable to share every moment of everyday with even the people that you love the most in this life, but it important to know their basic moments of joy and defeat on a daily bases as well as to keep lines of communication and understanding open.  It is one the foundation of this belief that I started my “worst/best” thing.  At the end of everyday I ask my daughter what the worst part of her day was and what the best part was, because while I wasn’t there for all of her day, this will give me not only a pretty good understanding of her day, but also what makes her happy, sad, excited, angry…and so on.  So here I will document the worst and best parts of my day at the end of everyday (I hope). 

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